Rain, snow, or sun. Cloudy, bright, or windy. Busy, calm, or intense. No matter what the day looks like...Love Others. Driving to the grocery store on a cloudy day, this thought - “It’s a Beautiful Day…Love Others,” came to me, obviously not an original thought. It overwhelmed me. Isn’t this exactly what Jesus calls us to do? Isn’t this exactly what Jesus did? It’s such a powerful, engulfing concept. As I pondered it, I had the “God” bumps, otherwise known as goosebumps. It moved me deeply and even welled up my eyes a bit. But then, I got home. And someone, who shall remain anonymous, super irritated me. I was offended. I can’t even remember what exactly that person had said or done. I just remember my physical reaction was negative. My eyebrows furrowed and my eyes rolled. My skin tightened and I went into defense mode. In my mind I angrily stomped around for a while until that small voice reminded me of my earlier discovery that morning: “It’s a beautiful day…Love Others.” That includes everyone. Love all others, even and probably especially the person who offended me. Ugh, Ugh, Ugh. Now HOW was I supposed to do that?! Jesus is the perfect example of that, but I am no Jesus. So let’s simply be reminded: Time can heal. Prayer can heal. Letting go and letting God can heal. Forgiveness can heal. Looking at the plank in our own eyes can heal. Compassion (co-suffering) can heal. Communication, a hug and ultimately Love heals. God is Love. Through him, while working on our own healing, we can Love. There is NO doubt that EACH DAY is a BEAUTIFUL day in which we can Love Others, as we are called to do. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8a
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