Get me to the other side, please! I need to move beyond this, get to the other side of the street or over the mountain, please. Have you ever said that out loud to God or inside your mind to yourself?
I couldn’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve cried out those words. Logically, I know there is only one way in life and that is forward. Keep trudging, keep going, you can do it! And we can. But, sometimes, we can’t. It may be a job we are needing to stay in for financial reasons or a place of excruciating heartache after losing a loved one. It could be a health diagnosis that has us tied to treatment for a year or possibly forever. In those places we scream to push through and get to the other side, but the other side just doesn’t seem to be coming towards us. In my bible, underneath the subtitle Jesus Calms the Storm, Luke 8:22 says that “One day Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us go over to the other side of the lake.’” There are so many wonderful truths in Luke 8, but let’s just concentrate on this one today: While we are in a storm, Jesus is in our boat with us taking us to the other side of the lake. He is calming the storm. In some cases, we may be the storm! As we prayerfully wait for the worldly proof that we have made it to the other side of a situation, let us always remember that Jesus can calm us. Let’s let him! He can and does give us peace and strength to endure. He walks forward with us everyday as he makes all things new. He releases us from our past. And if, in fact, we are contributing to our storm and participating in our storm, he calls on us to take our thoughts to him instead of the storm. Look up and look to that other side. You will get there, but most likely it won’t look like you envisioned. It will be his vision, his purposes, and his will. This is truth that we can always depend on. This is how we can Keep Moving Forward. The Lord appeared to us in the past,[a] saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 31:3
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