Grow together, stay together. Grow together, stay together. It happens over and over. It happens in churches, at work, in cities and throughout countries. It happens in wealthy communities and poor communities. It happens across the world...THE GAP. The gap is where one person in the marriage or relationship grows either emotionally, spiritually, intellectually or in any way, and the other person does not grow. One person excels in some way in life and the other does not. 2It creates a gap. Becoming a better person requires stretching oneself. Becoming a better partnership requires each of you stretching yourselves. However, do not think you must each stretch in exactly the same way, just as long as you're stretching! Isn't it funny that one key to a successful marriage is that each person grows as a person by themselves? It is like a paradox. But, it is the truth. Maybe one of you is trying to eat healthier and the other is taking a night class towards a second degree. Maybe you can find time to work out together. In both those scenarios it creates team spirit within your marriage. What does NOT create team spirit is when one of you moves forward and the other's feet remain planted in the same spot, refusing to move! 1) What are 2 things each of you are doing to make your life better? 2) What is 1 thing you COULD START doing now to move forward? 3) What are some things you can do together to build a better partnership? ~Kristin I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
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